The one-group TLP approach


I've done the big guild thing on the past few TLP servers, Classic through LDoN, and I've learned a lot about the game that I didn't learn the first time around (1999-2003). At the end, though, it felt a bit too easy to defeat content with 72 very well-geared and mostly well-played characters
Have you considered playing past the sleep walk eras of the game?

I am not saying the game gets hard, but for people and guilds who havent done middle era expansion and beyond, they can be challenging to learn some of the raids along the way and defeat them as they become less tank and spank, and more mechanic reliant.

Truly from classic through LDoN there isnt a single actually interesting raid. If you feel things are too easy find one of the many raiding, but not top end big dog guilds on a TLP and stick with them past the 1 button era and into the 2 and even 3 button eras.


Active member
Not possible for you, you mean. I couldn't do it either, but some people have this down to a science.
I box 6 with out any assistance, but I am just an avg boxer by no means the best. It is not hard, if you you choose easy to box classes and master the in game macros.

Few things for me:
1 Has to be SK for aggro control. as the 5 line macro is a huge wall to over come being able to ignore my tank and hold aggro is imperative.
2 Ranger is about the best box DPS in the game if you can use your bow Luclin and beyond it just gets better. Also gives track and forage.
3 Necro has a major early classic advantage, life taps hit mobs that no other cast can when level dsp is too high. Huge bonus.
4 Cleric is pretty much a must for heals, can easily be macro'd and replaced with merc later on if you so want.
5 BST is just too damn busy to box well.
6 Mage is awesome for bad pulls, and FD...CoH to the rescue. Also can run one toon to a camp spot and summon party. Huge for caster toys early game/pet toys rock
7 Classic start really benefits from SHM, melee hp/stat buffs are stellar.
8 Same race makes crafting much easier later in game.

Just started new box team on Oakwynd: SHD/ENC/CLR/RNG/MAG/WIZ - I mix it up a bit, first ever all DE team.


On mischief I did warrior/bard/monk/shm from pop to sof (where I switched to necro main) without software. adding two more monks would have just meant turning on auto attack on 2 more toons. You do all the positioning with one, in my case it was my shaman main. I used mice with 12 buttons on the side that had assist, mend/melody/bellow etc and some movement commands bound to them but mostly just hit the one assist key.

Most peoples boxing fails are on character creation, doing things like not running a bard or using casters especially past their prime. A lot also use active tanks like SKs past when warriors no longer have much if any aggro worries (which depending on your comp is pretty early)