Test Update 9/10/2024 - Patch Notes and Discussions

EQ Dev

Well-known member
September 10, 2024

*** Highlights ***

- Increased the maximum number of all Year of Darkpaw collection spawns to 20 (up from 10).
- Added a swag store category in the marketplace to give an easy link to the swag store marketplace.

*** Items ***

- Added the quest flag to the following Shadows of Luclin items: Taskmaster's Pouch, Zazuzh's Idol, Zherozsh's Ring, and Ssraeshzian Insignia.
- Quest flag added to Call of the Forsaken raid armor templates (Bracer/Gloves/Boots/Helm/Armguards/Leggings/Tunic of Suppressed Ether and Flowing Ether).
- Added a speculative fix for augments occasionally not saving to equipment sets.
- Fixed an issue where an equipment set swap would fail due to an inaccurate lore equipped group conflict.

*** Quests & Events ***

- Increased the maximum number of all Year of Darkpaw collection spawns to 20 (up from 10).
- An NPC will now return all items given in the trade window upon quest completion failure.
- The following achievement has been restored as the underlying quest has been fixed:
- - The Hero's Journey - Cabilis Quests - Blood Ink
- - The Hero's Journey - Cabilis Quests - Illweed Parchment
- - The Hero's Journey - Oggok Quests - Craknek Hero
- Final Fugue (Raid) - Yarith will now cast all of her spells as she should. Previously she was pretty much doing nothing. Also, Firethorn's signature defense will no longer trigger on spells that cost less than 10 mana, so it should no longer trigger on procs.
- Slightly increased the amount of platinum players receive for some event rewards for characters greater than level 100.

*** Spells ***

- Corrected an issue where asymmetrical cone spells would hit targets between the wrong angles (mirrored over the y axis).

*** Progression Servers ***

- Trinket of the Center can no longer be activated before Heart of Fear: The Epicenter unlocks.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Added a swag store category in the marketplace to give an easy link to the swag store marketplace.
- Added more details to the message you get when a character transfer fails.
- Optimized zone performance.
- Updated /autoskill to allow an additional parameter to force a skill to be on or off instead of toggle it.

*** UI ***

- Updated the minimum level in the Task Window to display correctly for Level Locked Progression servers.
- The quantity column of the Alternate Currency tab in the Inventory window can now be resized.
- Fixed a bug where in-game windows could reopen when the desktop window loses focus.
- Fixed a bug where the /copylayout window would open when the client is launched in maximized windowed mode.
- Fixed a bug, with New UI Engine display option disabled, where certain in-game windows, including chat windows, would not save their positions for each desktop window mode: restored, maximized, and fullscreen.
- Fixed a bug that caused container and other UI windows to close when switching focus away from the game client while in fullscreen mode.

- Changed -


- The EverQuest Team
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Well-known member
Does anyone have specs on the new PS(es?) and stat food from the tower ... at 125?

Also a feedback note ... while I understand concept of spreading things out, if you were NOT going to release two rings at the same time like you did the ear (technically 3 ears), would have preferred a second ring (or non-weapon range) than starting in on the other stuff.

...and you do realize there is only one ring per level range on the tower merchant ... right?


Well-known member
Looks that way.

RIP multi questing 1999-2024

Not according to Discord ... or at least someone tried the red wine quest and handed in 4 wines separately and got rewarded at the 4th hand in.

There might be some special flags for specific quests but it's not clear exactly what "quest completion failure" is.


Well-known member
Does anyone have specs on the new PS(es?) and stat food from the tower ... at 125?

According to pictures on Discord, the tank PS is 1 more AC and 4 more hps (with everything else the same, including negatives) at 125.

I guess you need to spend that extra tower coin somewhere...

The cookie is AC 180/HP 2100/Mana 2100/End 1100 with regular stat gains of 18 (no heroics).


Active member
The monthly ground spawns
The ground spawns for the Tower or some other, Test patch says it is going from 10 to 20, my expectation is that there would be 12 sets (one per month) so the patch note is confusing, does this mean going forward that up to 20 will be up instead of 10. Some times less information is confusing, we shall surely learn more next week.


Well-known member
The ground spawns for the Tower or some other, Test patch says it is going from 10 to 20, my expectation is that there would be 12 sets (one per month) so the patch note is confusing, does this mean going forward that up to 20 will be up instead of 10. Some times less information is confusing, we shall surely learn more next week.

I believe that it indicates that instead of up to 10 spawns in zone maximum, that there will be 20.

10 jibes with what I was seeing in full zone runs (when I had 95+% of the spawn points mapped) ... would usually get anywhere from 10 to 14 after letting the zone sit for a while.

So now with 20 spawns, mapping those points and doing full circuits will become more profitable. Although if they didn't change the replenishment rate of 1 per minute, it really won't matter much for heavily contested times.

I assume the change was for Teek ... certainly hasn't been heavy competition on Xegony for these spawns.


Active member
I assume the change was for Teek ... certainly hasn't been heavy competition on Xegony for these spawns.
The collectibles are for achievement points only because of how easy tower currency is to get. Getting 10 currency is equivalent to 14 seconds of effort in beating a mission.


Active member
- Added a speculative fix for augments occasionally not saving to equipment sets.
- Fixed an issue where an equipment set swap would fail due to an inaccurate lore equipped group conflict.
Thank you, I was about to stop using personas at all because of those bugs. Hope your speculation is correct ;)


*** UI ***
- Fixed a bug where in-game windows could reopen when the desktop window loses focus.
Is this supposed to fix the Alt-Tab bug in windowed mode ? Because it doesn't for me, and it's an annoying bug. This seems to be related to this other reported bug where the EQ window tries to grab focus when the user switches to another window.


New member
Can we please get some clarification from Daybreak on what this actually means?

"- An NPC will now return all items given in the trade window upon quest completion failure."

What is this in reference to? What is this fixing? Is this going to remove MultiQuesting? It's so vague.

EQ Dev

Well-known member
A new Client has been patched to address a crash that started happening with this week's patch. If you've been experiencing crashes since Tuesday's update, re-patch your Client to pick up the latest version.