Test Update 11/27/2024 - Patch Notes and Discussions

EQ Dev

Well-known member
November 27, 2024

Note: The Outer Brood should now be available on the Test server. See Previous Thread for details.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Corrected an issue with area of effect archery abilities not including the effects from Increase Range Damage for all affected targets.
- Corrected an issue with raid and group marked NPCs displaying the incorrect version of their name.
- Corrected an issue with the list of raid and group marked NPCs displaying multiple times after zoning.
- Corrected multiple issues with the current group or raid marked NPCs being lost after zoning or death.

*** UI ***

- Fixed an issue where the EQ fullscreen window failed to react to a change in display monitor settings. This could happen if the game's fullscreen window was a different resolution or refresh rate than the desktop window.
- Corrected an issue with the Expedition Information window's list of timers repeatedly scrolling to the top of the list.
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All my overseers agents are gone.
I had 4 quest running when I logged off. They all failed.
My overseer stats are maxed on everything.
I can't start any new overseers quests because I have no agents.