Test Update 11/21/2024 - New Bugs Only


New member
There are some text errors in the Bard AAs:

1) Focus tab, Troubadour's Synergy, Next Rank tab. It has "+G" for the TOB Disdain DD song. It should be "Yaran's Disdain" as it is on Beta.
Test Server:
Beta Server:

2) Focus Tab, Focus: Tsaph's Insult, Next Rank tab. It has "+G" for the TOB Disdain DD song. It should be "Yaran's Disdain" as it is on Beta.
Test Server:
Beta Server:


New member
I'm attempting the first Partisan quest in ToB. Partisan of Hodstock Hills - The Mysterious Tower.

The NPC Therok does not appear to be up in Plane of Nightmare. I have run amuck in the underwater caves (Where someone on allhakhazam said he was) and looked with a tracker. Nothing shows. Do we have the right location or is he not spawning? I had a guildmate try this yesterday as well but could also not find him.


All my overseers agents are gone.
I had 4 quest running when I logged off. They all failed.
My overseer stats are maxed on everything.
I can't start any new overseers quests because I have no agents.


New member
Talking Overseer, all the name of my quest have changed. Exemple: Secure the shipment - Join the dance - Inner Fire - Return to sender etc. On 7 account, i have one with name change and others losted a bunch of agents.


Well-known member
- Added an option to find a corpse from the Advanced Loot window when right clicking on the corpse's name in the list.

Thanks for this option, but it doesn't seem to actually create the path. With normal find, a visual path appears, an X is put on the map, and a message comes out in the chat window that says "A mystical path appears before you". None of that happens when Find Corpse is selected from the Adv Loot window. The only thing that seems to happen is that your target is changed to the corpse. It's like Find Corpse and Select Corpse are doing the same thing.


Thanks for this option, but it doesn't seem to actually create the path. With normal find, a visual path appears, an X is put on the map, and a message comes out in the chat window that says "A mystical path appears before you". None of that happens when Find Corpse is selected from the Adv Loot window. The only thing that seems to happen is that your target is changed to the corpse. It's like Find Corpse and Select Corpse are doing the same thing.
Which already was a thing before this was added in. You could absolutely just target the corpse by just left clicking the name in the advloot window. That and /loot to unlock if one was too far away to auto loot. I suppose, once working in a way that shows a find path or the red X on the map, it would be handy for those that zoned in or joined after something dropped and the group moved to a new location.


Staff member
Thanks for this option, but it doesn't seem to actually create the path. With normal find, a visual path appears, an X is put on the map, and a message comes out in the chat window that says "A mystical path appears before you". None of that happens when Find Corpse is selected from the Adv Loot window. The only thing that seems to happen is that your target is changed to the corpse. It's like Find Corpse and Select Corpse are doing the same thing.
The "Find Corpse" option will both generate a find path and select the target.

After looking into it, I've found the issue causing the find path to not be generated and have submitted a ticket to fix it. Thanks for the report and sorry it's not functional yet.