Test Update 07/09/2024 - Patch Notes and Discussions

EQ Dev

Well-known member
July 9, 2024

*** Items ***

- Sodden Staff of the Kedge's teleport to Dagnor's Cauldron no longer places players underwater. The new location is still potentially dangerous for players lower than level 15, but should now be less drown-y.
- Eye of Fear and all tiers of Rain of Fear armor template items (Dread Touched, Dread, Dread Washed, and Dread Infused Armguards, Boots, Bracer, Gloves, Helm, Leggings, and Tunic) have been flagged as Quest Items.
- The type 7/8 augments available from Miacallie Herlsas in Tides of Time will now be in Lore-Equip groups based on the predominant stat they give.
- Updated Beryl Hero's Forge Ornaments to drop in all of the hotzones. Additionally, there are new updated hotzones that can be picked up to level 105.

*** Quests & Events ***

- Final Fugue (Raid) - Yarith will now cast all of her spells as she should. Previously she was pretty much doing nothing. Also, Firethorn's signature defense will no longer trigger on spells that cost less than 10 mana, so it should no longer trigger on procs.
- Final Fugue (Raid) - Tertiary Echo will now break Margator out of his spin and break his speed increase. This means that the "Speed Limit" achievement can be achieved using this method.
- Fixed an issue where Sienn Kastane doesn't respond correctly if the player did the the epic 1.5 pre quest.
- Fixed an issue with "The Rise of Marnek" quests not correctly registering the death of Skeleton L`rodd.
- Fixed an issue with the "Predators of the Sea" quest not registering the location of the goblin camp after the zone was changed.
- Fixed an issue with "Into the Leviathan's Lair" that wouldn't allow you to accept the quest with the correct amount of people in your group.
- Reduced the melee and spell damage done by NPCs from level 30 to 75 in heroic adventures, including the Tides of Time, that use the "Normal" heroic adventures table.
- Tides of Time (Heroic Adventures): Reduced the damage of spells cast within the Tides of Time. The level 60 range will see the most significant change.
- Fixed an error in the spell damage scalar for NPCs above level 120. This will result in increased spell damage in heroic adventures when an NPC is above level 120.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Removed the additional rules acceptance dialog box from Aradune and Rizlona.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Task replay and request timer chat messages will now show seconds remaining.
- Corrected an issue with the Tribute Gain Modifier not affecting guild tribute donations.
- Improved world performance when a large number of players are online.
- Optimized spell processing which should result in increased zone performance.
- Made performance improvements to the Tradeskill Depot.
- Added the option to use /who on a player by clicking their name in a chat window.

*** UI ***

- Minimizing the game's desktop window no longer causes the client to become unresponsive.
- The game client's desktop window correctly saves its state when camping out by clicking the close window button.
- The game client once again saves the size and position of its desktop window immediately after manually moving/resizing the window.
- Updated the server select screen to fit a resolution of 1024x768.
- With the New UI Engine display option disabled, most in-game windows will now save their positions distinctly for each desktop window mode: restored, maximized, and fullscreen. Notable exceptions that are not yet fixed include: Main Chat Window.
- Fixed an issue where some game windows would reopen automatically after the player closes them.
- Fixed a visual artifact where the cursor would incorrectly display the previously held item.
- Reduced game hitching when using ALT+TAB while in full screen mode.

*** Previously Updated ***

- The game's desktop window once again correctly toggles between maximized and minimized state.
- The game client no longer crashes when spamming the WINDOWS+D key.

- The EverQuest Team
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Arch Mage
> - Sodden Staff of the Kedge's teleport to Dagnor's Cauldron no longer places players underwater. The new location is still potentially dangerous for players lower than level 15, but should now be less drown-y.

And the low levels on Teek/Tormax rejoice. Onward to Unrest!


Agnarr Loyalist
- Reduced the melee and spell damage done by NPCs from level 30 to 75 in heroic adventures, including the Tides of Time, that use the "Normal" heroic adventures table.
- Tides of Time (Heroic Adventures): Reduced the damage of spells cast within the Tides of Time. The level 60 range will see the most significant change.

Just did the first 6 tower missions at level 65, No Mercs / No Autogrant AA's. Nothing I can't have on agnarr. Feels 500% better! Still a challenge, but not impossible or do I feel like I NEED to bring loaded DPS to burn the boss before he burns me. I went in w/a 65 Druid|Sk|Mage 3box, and was able to complete all 3 with a nice amount of effort. Great Job on the challenge tuning pass!


"Added the option to use /who on a player by clicking their name in a chat window."

Thank you.


Active member
- Optimized spell processing which should result in increased zone performance.

Does this mean pets can again use spell proc and proc weapons on Raids?


The Undefeated
- Optimized spell processing which should result in increased zone performance.

Does this mean pets can again use spell proc and proc weapons on Raids?

Some developer commentary or insight on this would be very helpful. It doesn't have to be a yes or no, just additional context at least.
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Just did the first 6 tower missions at level 65, No Mercs / No Autogrant AA's. Nothing I can't have on agnarr. Feels 500% better! Still a challenge, but not impossible or do I feel like I NEED to bring loaded DPS to burn the boss before he burns me. I went in w/a 65 Druid|Sk|Mage 3box, and was able to complete all 3 with a nice amount of effort. Great Job on the challenge tuning pass!

It’s worth noting that an agnarrian level 65 character is typically far better geared than a level 65 on any other tlp.
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New member
*** UI ***

- Minimizing the game's desktop window no longer causes the client to become unresponsive.
- The game client's desktop window correctly saves its state when camping out by clicking the close window button.
- The game client once again saves the size and position of its desktop window immediately after manually moving/resizing the window.
- Updated the server select screen to fit a resolution of 1024x768.
- With the New UI Engine display option disabled, most in-game windows will now save their positions distinctly for each desktop window mode: restored, maximized, and fullscreen. Notable exceptions that are not yet fixed include: Main Chat Window.
- Fixed an issue where some game windows would reopen automatically after the player closes them.
- Fixed a visual artifact where the cursor would incorrectly display the previously held item.
- Reduced game hitching when using ALT+TAB while in full screen mode.

This was pushed too soon. It's obvious that it was not tested to much extent. This is a running theme with you guys for the last 12 months or so. What gives?

Rasper Helpdesk

The Original Helpdesk
I see on patch notes "- Eye of Fear and all tiers of Rain of Fear armor template items (Dread Touched, Dread, Dread Washed, and Dread Infused Armguards, Boots, Bracer, Gloves, Helm, Leggings, and Tunic) have been flagged as Quest Items."

I think the group mission drop items for the epic 3.0 weapons were overlooked, item ID 66236-66239


Ye Ol' Dragon
Is the ring from anniversary tower supposed to be lore?
The non pet earring was not lore.


New member
Since this last patch I am encountering "ResetDevice() failed!" almost every time I try to launch the game.

I can launch with the Live patch with no issues.

I sometimes am able to launch Test, but for the life of me I can't figure out why most of the time it doesn't work but sometimes it does. I've tried restarting, updating the graphics driver, killing some processes, and probably some other stuff that I'm forgetting and nothing has worked definitively. Seems like if I just try to restart the game over and over I might get lucky. Feels like banging my head against the wall but the intermittent positive reinforcement has me continuing.

Any advice on things to try to help diagnose?


Suggestions Bard
- The type 7/8 augments available from Miacallie Herlsas in Tides of Time will now be in Lore-Equip groups based on the predominant stat they give.
What is the point there ? Everything was fine.

From the EQ II wiki:
you can have only 1 of those items equppied, but multiple items in your bag

Waring McMarrin

Well-known member
What is the point there ? Everything was fine.

From the EQ II wiki:

It seems the devs did not want you to use multiple versions of the same aug across different level ranges considering how easy they are to unlock and buy.
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