Ros is not to the standard of the previous fixes for flagging on tlps.


uf = about 2ish clears to get your 54 keyed for the next tier
hot = about 2ish clears to get your 54 keyed for the next tier
voa = 2 clears to get to the next tier
rof = basically unlocks after 1 clear
cotf = basically unlocks after 1 clear
Tds = two clears to get to the next tier
tbm = two clears to get to the next tier
eok = one clear to get to the next tier
Ros = 3 clears to get to the next tier
a very common raid schedule on tlps is mon tues thurs or fri instead of thurs lets assume you raid on the first one and dont do it on lock out until clear.
thurs ros releases and you clear t1 because its easy. then you clear again on tues. then you get your next clear mon. its been 11 days. lets also assume you
also clear t2 on that tues. something that is feasible but not very standard just because vault is up there with difficult raids. So your next t2 clear is mon
then its thurs. you are now on day 25 and just entering t3. lets assume you get part of t3 down on that thurs then finish it on mon. you have won with super banner up because day 30 was the sat after you got into t3.

It is a 3 month expac but tds voa and rof are as well and they take 1-2ish clears. I wont say that time line is the fastest but i would say it is also not on the slow side i would say its probably right in the average. You still have 2 months to farm and it isnt a huge deal and it wont be in dec like it was for previous tlps because of speed of unlock changes happening after aradune but im sure mischief and younger tlps will enjoy the change when they get there.


Well-known member
This is very interesting, I wonder why ROS didn't get fixed with the others.
It was not highlighted as an issue at the time since RoS is a 12 week expansion and it was actually possible to complete in era, vs the flagging in TBL which was virtually impossible. Similar to the epic 1.0 fixes, as you squash the most obvious and painful bottlenecks new ones appear that weren't so bad before but in hindsight could also use tweaks. I think on TLP completing each tier once should flag you for the next tier, at most twice.


It was not highlighted as an issue at the time since RoS is a 12 week expansion and it was actually possible to complete in era, vs the flagging in TBL which was virtually impossible. Similar to the epic 1.0 fixes, as you squash the most obvious and painful bottlenecks new ones appear that weren't so bad before but in hindsight could also use tweaks. I think on TLP completing each tier once should flag you for the next tier, at most twice.
two is the sweet spot to me. I would be fine with 1 though but most expacs are 2 so if it was one then they would have to go back and redo basically everything from hot to tbl except for eok, rof and cotf. if they change it to 2 they only need to go back and fix ros. which is one of the reasons i high lighted ros as the outlier.


Active member
Ring of Scale is a Level Increase expansion, and in addition to that it requires significant time investment for raiding. Below you will see a breakdown for the raid key drops to progress from one tier to the next:

In order to Progress from Tier 1 to Tier 2 raids, you need to collect 18 Fragment of Sathir’s Seal
These items appear on your cursor when you complete an event, you receive 2 per raid. There are 3 raids that provide this currency.

In order to Progress from Tier 2 to Tier 3, you need to collect 18 Seal of Scale
These items appear on your cursor when you complete an event, you receive 2 per raid. There are 3 raids that provide this currency.

Given this information, each raid event needs to be cleared for 3 weeks straight in order to progress to the next tier.

Most TLP Guilds raid twice per week. A review of the shows that Tuesday/Thursday are the most common raid nights on Mischief. Most guilds do not raid the first night due to progression requirements and leveling and tend to push that off until Friday or the following Tuesday. For the benefit of the doubt, given that it is a level increase expansion (and the first level increase expansion since 2024 for Mischief), I’ll use the first Tuesday of the expansion as the first raid day.

RoS releases 6/19/25 (middle of the Summer, which means absences will be pretty high, meaning progression will take even longer – but that is an episodic thing to overcome, not a systemic thing).Below you will find a timeline of raiding should each guild not encounter any difficulty and clear each raid the first time, which in this expansion doesn’t seem to be the norm.

June 19 - ROS Release

June 24 - T1 first clear
June 26th - locked out

July 1st - T1 second clear
July 3rd - locked out

July 8th - T1 third clear (Sathir’s Seal Achievement - Can progress to T2) - can prog right to T2
July 10th - T2 First clear

July 14th - T1 (technically will still be locked out from T2 if done on Thursday)
July 17th - T2 Second Clear

July 22 - T1 (technically will still be locked out from T2 if done that Thursday).
July 24th - T2 Third Clear - Can prog right to T3

July 29th - T3

As pointed out above, the cadence pretty much is that the raids are unlocked after 1-2 clears. This has been fixed for TLPs to allow more time to gear up and farm content.

Potential Solutions:
  1. Adjust the Progression Achievement Sathir’s Seal (Raid) to require 12 Fragment of Sathir’s Seal instead of the current 18. And adjust the Achievement Seal of the Scale to require 12 Fragment of the Seal of Scale instead of the current 18.
  2. Change the default cursor rewards from 1x to 2x so that while doubled on a TLP it is 4 rewards instead of 2. This has the downside of reducing the number of clears required by 1 clear plus 1 raid (due to the doubling effect). If it is possible to make it so that the TLPs see 3 currency drop instead of 4 that would be more in line with the true nature of this request.

Impacted Items would be:
Fragment of Sathir’s Seal [116813] from the following raids: Fell Foliage (Raid), End of Empire (Raid), Balance of Power (Raid)
Fragment of the Seal of Scale [116814] from the following raids: Crypt Robbers, Drusella’s Vault, The Sathir Line

There is precedent for this type of QOL improvement, and it would be benefit the game to see it done.


New member
Having nearly finished RoS I gotta say it really wasn’t that bad. We still had plenty of time to clear the expansion several times. Between excessive diamonds, currency and the actual drops, gear was very plentiful. It’s a 12 week expansion, you’ll be just fine with the way they flag.