I am slightly annoyed by all the anti wizard rhetoric in this thread, wizards are awesome!~ That being said, wizards have sucked for a long time, and only in the most recent expansions were given a bit of a dps boost. Which of course, doesn't compare to whatever the heck they did to monks to make monks the OP class of Laurions Inn expansion. I am or was a master at kiting, and quad kiting, until VOA expansion when there was only one or two zones that didn't have everything summoning. Then I made a box bard. I did that for a few years until I added a box mage. That's been my 3 box combo for 10+ years now, and I can get anywhere in the game faster than just about anyone between wizard ports, bard speed + double invis, and mage group coth. ^ in the above post, they suggest an enchanter, but imho, for pulling, mezzing, dps, extra heals, and generally every weird thing bards can do- a bard is better, and in group settings, my bard can usually put out just as much dps as my wizard between dots and melee. Wizards greatest abilities come to the fore when a named pops and you want to smack it down in the smallest amount of time possible. Or doing the shadowhaven doors mission in 50 seconds, with most of those seconds just pulling with the bard and siccing the mage pet.
But- back to the original posters asks- making a wizard alt and running the tutorial is one way, another way is starting the Hero's Journey quests/ tasks on his original toon.
I also am a fan of personas, now being a fully raid geared 125 wizard, bard, and soon- warrior, with 6 other classes ranging from 1-110. I love popping from one class to another on the same toon.
He can also send me cross server tells to ask any questions. There used to be a serverwide wizard chat- graffes, but after a few years of me being the only one in it, I quit it too.
All the above being said- I box when I want to pursue my own thing. When new expansions are released is the best time for actual grouping with real other players.
Edit: Also druids are evil. I once made a petition and asked if the GM could delete all druids. Much to my surprise, a GM actually talked to me in game and said no they weren't allowed to delete all druids.