We don't tend to endorse specific software (who knows what might be added in the next release). Window management software and key replication (although not automation) are both allowed however.
I don't expect you to endorse anything, I just want to make sure I'm not doing anything that would be considered frowned upon. I'm new to this, lol. As if you couldn't tell.
I know the people on these forums are awesome and give great advice, to them I am very appreciative of. We all enjoy the game, and some are quite knowledgeable about the ins and outs of different ways to enjoy the game. So far, returning has been much better thanks to everyone here.
Although, you do work for SOE, so if anyone knew(not saying no one else does)...you'd be the one.
Since, you commented I figured I'd take the opportunity to ask/clarify. I know boxing is okay, but methods of boxing I'm still learning about. I figured the safest way was to just run to instances on two accounts and alt-tab between the two.
I've learned a lot about computers today.
Thank you for your input.