If any of you can remember when these broke, or still worked, that would be helpful.
It seems the change was sometime between Aug 28, 2018 and June 17 2019, I wasn't able to narrow it down much more.
The trick to finding these on youtube, searching Velious or Kunark and looking at TLP videos from that time.
Here are the videos I found.
Aug 28, 2018: The werewolf merc or pet in this video has the "dragonkiller" or "obsidian scale whip" whip model and it is animating like it used to.
Jun 17, 2019: Video of non-movement Timestamp 31:45 Cleric epic new models
June 18 2019: Video of non-movement. Timestamp 1:52, Cleric epic old models.
Aug 30, 2019: Here is a video with the cleric, necro, and enchanter epic in their current non-moving state. Old models are on.
Sep 2, 2019: Non-moving epics(cleric at start of video left side) with new models on.
EDIT a video link was missing