Confirmed All classic whip animations are broken and have been for a long time


Active member
Classic whips use to have animations, they would extend then retract when swung and somewhere down the line this broke and now they have zero animation, now when swung your basically just swinging a triangle around.

I found a 1min video on Youtube that shows what classic whips looked like before they broke.


The Magnificent
Bards have swarm pets that are tiny copies of the bard. I cant remember the aa atm, but it was great when they all had double whips. Not that whips were a great weapon, but its what I had at the time.


Harbinger of Nightmares
The animations were removed along with all other item movements like Necro, Cleric, and Enchanter epics. Which is very sad, I loved the whip animations.


The Oracle of AllHigh
TLDR: They don't like whip animations.

Player Studio story...for Free Realms I made a slashing weapon that looked like a telescoping antenna.

I indicated clearly in the submission this was a one hand slash, with slash animation.

But I made the mistake of naming it Whip Antenna. It was rejected right away saying "we do not have a whip animation." *sigh*...


Active member
Staff member
I've looked into this in the past and it would be awesome to fix but I have no idea when we will do it. It was broken a long time ago. Also affects 1.0s and, well, any weapon with its own animation.

If any of you can remember when these broke, or still worked, that would be helpful.

Edit: I believe the video is from P99


The Magnificent
I've looked into this in the past and it would be awesome to fix but I have no idea when we will do it. It was broken a long time ago. Also affects 1.0s and, well, any weapon with its own animation.

If any of you can remember when these broke, or still worked, that would be helpful.

Edit: I believe the video is from P99
Good to know its a bug and nothing intended though. cheers
I think it worked in cotf, but hopefully someone else has better memory.


Harbinger of Nightmares
I've looked into this in the past and it would be awesome to fix but I have no idea when we will do it. It was broken a long time ago. Also affects 1.0s and, well, any weapon with its own animation.

If any of you can remember when these broke, or still worked, that would be helpful.

Edit: I believe the video is from P99
Here's a post from a couple of years ago discussing it. I have been trying to find youtube videos with any of the weapons moving, but it's not going well.


Harbinger of Nightmares
If any of you can remember when these broke, or still worked, that would be helpful.
It seems the change was sometime between Aug 28, 2018 and June 17 2019, I wasn't able to narrow it down much more.

The trick to finding these on youtube, searching Velious or Kunark and looking at TLP videos from that time.
Here are the videos I found.

Aug 28, 2018: The werewolf merc or pet in this video has the "dragonkiller" or "obsidian scale whip" whip model and it is animating like it used to.

Jun 17, 2019: Video of non-movement Timestamp 31:45 Cleric epic new models

June 18 2019: Video of non-movement. Timestamp 1:52, Cleric epic old models.

Aug 30, 2019: Here is a video with the cleric, necro, and enchanter epic in their current non-moving state. Old models are on.

Sep 2, 2019: Non-moving epics(cleric at start of video left side) with new models on.

EDIT a video link was missing
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