Cannot Reproduce Ahkevan Warder respawning in Vex Thal DZ (claims to be fixed)


Active member
This happened once again this week for me. A large numbers of Warders up between zone in and the mobs remaining, despite having killed all of the bosses previously.


New member
This does not always happen. We had a guild run that cleaned most of VT during week, and came back during week end. 3 DZ were opened with the same lockouts for each - 2 were fine and the 3rd had the warders issue.
I also had the issue happen 2 weeks ago. We cleared some named on thursday, came back on friday but the warders were up and we were unable to get back to our progress. We came back next day on saturday still with the same lockouts and this time they were not here.


Guessing of course but seems like the script listening for boss deaths sometimes takes longer to load than the script that kills bosses you have a lockout for when a DZ starts. Should just redisable all warders like it was for 10 years or whatever cuz thats better anyway.


Active member
When we attempt to reproduce the issue as it is written in the previous thread ( we do not see the issue.

Are there different or specific reproduction steps where you consistently encounter the issue?

We go into VT on day 1 and kill all bosses leading up to Va Xi Aten Ha Ra and Aten Ha Ra.
Then we go back the next day, split into 2 raid groups and open 2 DZs. Sometimes the warders are still up, sometimes they are not.
We have been doing this for 3 weeks, we have received 3 bugged instances out of 6.
I cannot see a specific correlation between days we have, and have not gotten a bugged instance. If i knew exaclty what caused it, i would let you know, but unfortunately, this is all i have.


Active member
Guessing of course but seems like the script listening for boss deaths sometimes takes longer to load than the script that kills bosses you have a lockout for when a DZ starts. Should just redisable all warders like it was for 10 years or whatever cuz thats better anyway.

I imagine they dont do this because then you just have people abusing lev and skipping directly to the T1 bosses.


New member
I can also confirm that the issue is difficult to reproduce. Luckily we've only had it happen once. As another said, everything spawns in, then disappears as it checks your lockouts, then the warders despawn. The first two parts happened correctly but then the warders didn't properly despawn.


New member
We came into VT today after the patch with 2 Thall Va Xakra Mobs, Blob 1, and Diablo Xi Xin on lockout from Monday.
We popped the instance and had warders up in both north and south after 2nd pick lock door near blob 1. I believe these are tied to blob 1.
This basically made us unable to continue in VT and we lost our instance for the week.
We had the same set up before the patch last week, and it worked fine.
Please atleast remove the replay timer so we can try respawning the instance if this issue is going to persist.
Note: we just realized the person who pulled the instance didnt have the lock outs from previous raid day. Its possible since he pulled the new instance and accepted our lockouts, that may have caused the script to fail. Another thing for you to try.
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New member
Just happened to the second half of our VT raid.

edit: in response to post above, we had the same person request DZ on the first day and today.
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New member
When we attempt to reproduce the issue as it is written in the previous thread ( we do not see the issue.

Are there different or specific reproduction steps where you consistently encounter the issue?
It should be safe to remove the warders. The exploits that let people skip to Aten Ha Ra have mostly been fixed. We just the warder spawn bug again tonight and we're completely unable to progress through the second half of our VT DZ.


Active member
It should be safe to remove the warders. The exploits that let people skip to Aten Ha Ra have mostly been fixed. We just the warder spawn bug again tonight and we're completely unable to progress through the second half of our VT DZ.
Odd, the other day I was able to get past them just fine. Just be sure to kill all the raid mobs. Perhaps you forgot one? I thought I ran into the bug until I killed the boss at the podium when you port up to the second floor that's straight ahead in the room, a Diabo if memory serves. This was in DZ.


New member
Odd, the other day I was able to get past them just fine. Just be sure to kill all the raid mobs. Perhaps you forgot one? I thought I ran into the bug until I killed the boss at the podium when you port up to the second floor that's straight ahead in the room, a Diabo if memory serves. This was in DZ.
The warders BEFORE that boss are up. Basically all of the warders are up, even for bosses who are already dead... hence the primary issue pointed out in this thread.


New member
Warders do not despawn when you start a DZ that has been split into two different nights. This is now the 2nd time we have been stopped from progressing a raid due to warders being up even though Vex Thal is half cleared. It may have something to do with server ticks, it may have something to do with the fact that the warders don't check multiple times for their raid boss to be dead. Instead of having the warders check ONCE why not have them check EVERY SERVER TICK. Do not say this bug is resolved, it clearly isn't.


Active member
The warders BEFORE that boss are up. Basically all of the warders are up, even for bosses who are already dead... hence the primary issue pointed out in this thread.
Was just pointing out that it worked for me and offering potential things to look at to rectify it. Good luck in your adventures!


This seems to happen when peoples lockouts don’t match, meaning blob1 being on some people’s lockouts but not others