Agnarr, How much raid content can be done with 1 group?


New member
I'm curious as to how much pre-PoP content can be done with 1 group of 65's on the Agnarr server, with casually attained gear. I'd like to try and box some old raids with a friend or two via the AoC. I'm primarily interested in Nagafen, PoH, PoF, Sky, Veeshan's Peek, and anything in Velious or Luclin. Especially Luclin, as I didn't get to experience any of Luclin back in the day. I know the new servers are coming up soon, but I love the expansion lock concept and I want to support Agnarr in the hopes that other locked servers will be created. Still deciding on what to roll class wise, so up for suggestions as well.


New member
Group gear will make it tough, as it is miles behind raid gear in this era of the game.

Anything that death touches is out as well.

Plan to do this on Selo's with my brother, see what all we can tackle with a single group. However, the tank and one other toon will be raid geared so there is that.


New member
A bunch:
  • All classic and Kunark dragons easily.
  • The planes would be cake except for DT mobs and Cazic Thule.
  • ToV North would take way too long but could do East Wing.
  • Lots of Kael but probably not AoW without a really well geared tank.
  • A bunch of Ssra but it would take a while and no for the Emperor. Cursed cycle would depend on gear and group mix.
  • Some PoEarth and PoFire minis with a good group and well geared tank.


Active member
A bunch:
  • All classic and Kunark dragons easily.
  • The planes would be cake except for DT mobs and Cazic Thule.
  • ToV North would take way too long but could do East Wing.
  • Lots of Kael but probably not AoW without a really well geared tank.
  • A bunch of Ssra but it would take a while and no for the Emperor. Cursed cycle would depend on gear and group mix.
  • Some PoEarth and PoFire minis with a good group and well geared tank.
This. Back on Live, a group or less of us did all these things. We called it "stupid _hit night", just trying things we thought were crazy at the time; amazed what we pulled off.


New member
A bunch:
  • All classic and Kunark dragons easily.
  • The planes would be cake except for DT mobs and Cazic Thule.
  • ToV North would take way too long but could do East Wing.
  • Lots of Kael but probably not AoW without a really well geared tank.
  • A bunch of Ssra but it would take a while and no for the Emperor. Cursed cycle would depend on gear and group mix.
  • Some PoEarth and PoFire minis with a good group and well geared tank.
This is a pretty good list.

AOW, would take a very good geared warrior and possibly 2 clerics. I'd say it will be done with 1 group eventually, but not in group gear.

Cursed cycle, but youll need to be able to handle battle rezzing. I 4-manned the DT'ing Fear minis during POP or Luclin, so you should be able to. Anything pre-Luclin should be quite trivial now sans AOW.

A lot of the low tier POP raid targets could be 1 grouped as well.

As far as classes you want to make sure you have a warrior, clr, shm as a must if you want the most power for a 1 group farm crew. Nothing replaces CLR CH, SHM slows (Seru needs shm), and a warrior is just going to be the best tank. You could argue that an SK might tank as good or whatever, but a group of good players attacking a boss won't pull aggro so that's meaningless whereas the extra tanking is very non-trivial.


Director of Sarcasm
I'm primarily interested in Nagafen, PoH, PoF, Sky, Veeshan's Peek, and anything in Velious or Luclin.
Nagafen - cake, as mentioned already

PoH - could do Maestro for sure, but Innoruuk 2.0 (correct that Agnarr server has PoH 2.0 right?) is level 75. Would be quite difficult in group gear.

PoF - Terror and dracoliche easily. Fright and Dread you could do with an epic cleric + a devoted tank/ranger for chain rezzing and taking death touches. Or with decent dps just 1-2 sacrifices for DT's could probably be fine.

Sky - You could clear up through and including the Spiroc Lord on island 5. Again you'd need an epic cleric and a devoted taunter for death touches in order to kill Keeper of Souls, Overseer of Air, and Spiroc Lord. I really doubt you could do Bazzt Zzzt.

Veeshan's Peak - You could do all 6 dragons, but you'd need to be on your game. Need to be adept at positioning the dragons on corners, dancing around the corner to avoid their AE's, and a mana drainer to prevent them from gating is helpful. Hoshkar in particular can be tough.

Velious - easy stuff would include Zlandicar, Kelorek`Dar, Vindicator, Tormax, Statue, Yelinak, everything in Sleeper's Tomb except maybe Zeixshi-Kar the Ancient, East/West ToV, most of Plane of Growth except Ail the Elder and Tunare (and tbh I forget if any other minis silence besides Elder, so maybe watch out for that), Velketor the Sorceror, Wuoshi, all of Western Wastes including Sontalak and Klandicar. NToV dragons would be quite the slog, would take ages just to kill Aaryonar to access it. And some dragons would just be simply too difficult like Lord Vyemm and probably Feshlak. He might not be that bad with decently buffed fire/cold resists. AoW would be very doubtful.

Luclin - easy stuff would include evolved burrower, all of Akheva except maybe Shei, Thought Horror Overfiend, Grieg, Servitor of Luclin, Lcea Katta, Lord Seru if you have bane weapons and a cleric/shaman, Rhags 1 and 2, Arch Lich, Creator, and probably the first two Thall Va Xakras in Vex Thal. Some "maybes" would be like burrower parasite, Shei, High Priest in Ssra (I'm unsure if they fixed this event or if you can cheese the adds). Definitely can't do Emperor or Khati Sha, and probably not much of Vex Thal other than the two entrance Thalls.
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New member
If you crawl through TOV in group gear please stream it.

Not that I'll watch all 5 hours of it, but I would definitely tune in for the highlights lol.


Active member
not with group gear though... the poster mentioned having group gear. If you have potime gear it's a diff story


New member
Non-slowable targets or not having a shaman will drastically change what you can 1 group with group gear.
Ok, from someone who actually plays on Agnarr with a raid geared tank and 3 boxes, the actual list is going to be much shorter than these guys are telling you. Not sure if they're thinking of Defiant gear or what, but killing the Arch Lich would be near impossible, for example. You need 2 raid geared tanks and two healers just to handle his DPS and rampage tanking. You also are going to need a bard, to kill most of these mobs, so your group is Warrior, Paladin, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Shaman (or chanter) for slows. There's no room for DPS, which means the fights will last forever, but you don't have FT15 without raid gear, so you're going to run out of mana. You're not going to kill any elemental mini-bosses, that's nuts. You won't have the DPS to get anywhere in NToV (unless you get an open world instance and grind it for 16 hours).

You could do the Sol Ro minis, and the BoT minis. Basically any mob that has significant ramp damage is near impossible for a single group. I haven't tried Tormax, but would think he and Vindi will be in the realm of possibility. For DT mobs you'll need to be running Gina and have a dedicated taunter to save your warrior. That can be done.

The good news is that Luclin mobs are still being killed on Agnarr. I know Shadow Requiem just did Ssra Temple this past week and I think they have NToV in their sights. Also pickup raids for Elemental and Time flagging are still going on as well.

Edit* Re-reading this, it occurred to me that basically, you're best gear is going to be from LDoNs. If you and your buddies do a TON of LDoN's (takes about 4300 LDoN points, or about 40 hard instances to make a piece of PoP T2 quality gear), you may be able to handle Ssra Temple, outside of the Emp. Grinding that much gear is probably going to suck your will to live. Just doing it with bazaar gear and then gearing up on raid kills, my original point remains.
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New member
I trio Grieg, so you could definitely group him singly. It's not the best gear, but it's a good stepping stone to allow your group to take down larger targets. Surprisingly, he has a decent set of gear compared to what you get for group gear.


New member
Well at 65, Naggy and Vox are out unless they have recently released the lock of lvl 52 on those bosses.


New member
Classic - All but Innoruuk and Cazic Thule, DTs in Sky make it probably not worth doing IMO.
Kunark - Probably all with right comp, Hoshkar and Druushk still will suck.
Velious - Statue, Vindi, Tormax, E/WToV, Zland, Kland, Sontalak, Woushi, Kelodakar (Sp?).
Luclin - Evolved Burrower, Va Dyn, ITV, Umbral Plains?, Grieg/Servetor, Lcea Katta, Seru (with banes and right comp).
Planes of Power - Grummus, Hedge Maze, BoT Towers, PoN Dragon, 7th Hammer, and maybe Sol Ro minis?

Most of this depends on how long you’re willing to spend doing it and level of gear (what is group gear to you?).


Active member
Good plan. Further reduce the DPS. (hint, the Greig hammer doesn't mean a Paladin no longer requires a dedicated healer).
As someone whom one grouped AL and others back in this same era but on Live, if you play it right, the Paladin does not need his own healer.