There was a period in the life of my character that I raided regularly on progression across several expansions until I took a break around 2015 and played less frequent.
I do not see raid progression checked off on the progression that I had completed across several expansions. How can that be updated to reflect progression I have accomplished in raids completed?
I have items as evidence that were obtained in progression raids accomplished.
Like all achievements in PoP or GoD expansions and others beyond that are missing checks in (ACH) and I raided hardcore through those expansions. Which were fun and lotta good memories. Would be difficult to redo all those --- Please advise.
I do not see raid progression checked off on the progression that I had completed across several expansions. How can that be updated to reflect progression I have accomplished in raids completed?
I have items as evidence that were obtained in progression raids accomplished.
Like all achievements in PoP or GoD expansions and others beyond that are missing checks in (ACH) and I raided hardcore through those expansions. Which were fun and lotta good memories. Would be difficult to redo all those --- Please advise.