ACH Checks missing on completed Progression Raids across several expansions


New member
There was a period in the life of my character that I raided regularly on progression across several expansions until I took a break around 2015 and played less frequent.

I do not see raid progression checked off on the progression that I had completed across several expansions. How can that be updated to reflect progression I have accomplished in raids completed?

I have items as evidence that were obtained in progression raids accomplished.

Like all achievements in PoP or GoD expansions and others beyond that are missing checks in (ACH) and I raided hardcore through those expansions. Which were fun and lotta good memories. Would be difficult to redo all those --- Please advise.


Well-known member
There was a period in the life of my character that I raided regularly on progression across several expansions until I took a break around 2015 and played less frequent.

I do not see raid progression checked off on the progression that I had completed across several expansions. How can that be updated to reflect progression I have accomplished in raids completed?

I have items as evidence that were obtained in progression raids accomplished.

Like all achievements in PoP or GoD expansions and others beyond that are missing checks in (ACH) and I raided hardcore through those expansions. Which were fun and lotta good memories. Would be difficult to redo all those --- Please advise.
I dont recall when ach where placed in game as I was gone, but to my knowledge the way to get them now is redo them. Now if ach were there when you were doing those events and didnt get them im not sure they would go back that many years to fix but perhaps they will. Wasnt too bad over 2-3 years I think it took to get all the check marks done. Other than 3 tradeskills that need 350, those just bore me.

Achievements earned before the achievement system existed usually do not show as achievements. The reason is that the game didn't save the particular flag when you did them back then.

Yes, there are some similar flags as well as items which you have that 'prove' you did them. But for Darkpaw to go and create scripts that search for those things and update your achievements is a lot of work they don't want to do.

When I decided to do my Artisan's Prize, I had to go back and do some PoP raids (luckily, I could solo them, with the Agent of Change providing the instance) that I had already done many years ago, in order to progress on the Prize.

My advice is to just let it go and not worry about it. If you really want to, you can use Agents of Change to go do those achievements again.


New member
Achievements earned before the achievement system existed usually do not show as achievements. The reason is that the game didn't save the particular flag when you did them back then.

Yes, there are some similar flags as well as items which you have that 'prove' you did them. But for Darkpaw to go and create scripts that search for those things and update your achievements is a lot of work they don't want to do.

When I decided to do my Artisan's Prize, I had to go back and do some PoP raids (luckily, I could solo them, with the Agent of Change providing the instance) that I had already done many years ago, in order to progress on the Prize.

My advice is to just let it go and not worry about it. If you really want to, you can use Agents of Change to go do those achievements again.
Thanks for that information. I was wondering what the function of the Agents of Change was and not gotten around to researching them. It's a pisser I would have to do the instances to obtain those checks. Lotta good memories from the actual raid events attempt failures and successes.

Oh well. On to new memories I reckon. Appreciate the info.